The Ayurvedic approach to life involves listening to and addressing the unique needs of your body, recognizing and balancing your mental and emotional states and deepening your connection with your spirit your essential self. You are the only one who can do this, because you are the only one who will truly benefit from your actions or suffer from youra In addition to above, we are looking to have few more renowned Ayurvedic doctors of India on our panel of consultants whose valuable advice and guidance help us to produce best quality products consistently.
The term Ayurveda is composed of two Sanskrit roots Ayush meaning life & Vid meaning knowledge or science. This Science of Life originated in India over 5000 years ago, making it one of the world´s oldest health care systems. It is not merely a health care system to treat ailments but a complete philosophy that encourages the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Ayurveda is known to be the 'Mother of all healing systems' as it predates all other healing therapies and natural medicines.
Ayurveda can be seen as one of most visible faces of alternative medicines practiced throughout the world.
AYURVEDA is a form of age-old natural healing therapy. The word "Ayurveda" has its root in Sanskrit, meaning "life-knowledge".Tibetan, Chinese, Greek medicine to have adopted various remedies from it. It is a perfect amalgamation of time honoured and contemporary methods. Technology and our easy access to it today has made it quite trouble-free to buy Ayurvedic products online (window shopping has become so easy today!!!). So many Ayurvedic products are available in the market to solve all kind of issues ranging from the minor skin problems to other severe disorders. One can always buy natural ayurvedic range of products. portals as well. Few of many desirable categories are Healthcare, Body care, women care, baby care, Skincare. The main purpose of Ayurveda is to sync our internal environment first and then sync it with the external world. Ayurvedic specialists respect physical presence, mental presence, and identify it as a unit, with each component affecting the other. Ayurveda has eight approaches to analyze ailment, called Nadi, Mootra, Mala, Jihva, Shabda, Sparsha, Druk, and Aakruti. It helps us to maintain the balance of vaak, pitta and kapha in the body. The ongoing research that involves various related zone, is one of the evidence of how rapid is the growth of Ayurveda. So, why would anyone visit a doctor that frequent and pop in the not so needed medicines when Ayurveda comes in handy?!
1. Early to bed and early to rise is an age-old mantra to stay fit.
2. Rise 90 minutes before sunrise every day. Rub your hands against each other and then rub it over the eyes and other body parts to feel energized and for the massage fluid to get back in position.
3. Never take coffee or tea on an empty stomach (which we often do!!), rather have 2- 3 glass of lukewarm water (preferably with lemon or honey or both) before gargling or rinsing your mouth first in the morning.
4. At the time of urinating and excrement, tighten the teeth. This simple act will make your teeth stronger.
5. To avoid all ENT related problems, fill up your mouth with water and splash cold water over the eyes and clean the upper portion of your mouth with the thumb.
6. Before taking bath, massage your complete body and especially the thumb of your toes with mustard oil.
7. Use good ayurvedic toothpaste, (if you can avail them easily!!) to brush your teeth.
8. Practice Yoga, Jogging, Pranayam etc. regularly to keep away the toxins.
Research is the core and foundation of Parivar. We provide best quality products for effective cure. Every product manufactured is well researched and established based on available scientific literature and case-studies. Products are formulated based on ancient knowledge and modern clinical studies. Center of excellence. Special research in the field of deprive, effects of various herbal products is carried out with Our Team.
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Global parivar is one of the pioneering direct selling company established in february 2004. Has brought a revolution through wellness awareness in making the business simpler, transparent and easily achievable by understanding the demand and necessity of the mankind with its existing own manufactured products of gmp by ayush and many more to come in future.
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